Privacy Policy
Collection of Information
Well & Good Health Ltd is committed to meeting the requirements of the Privacy Act 1993, the Health Information Privacy Code 2004 and the Health [Retention of Information] Regulations 1996.
We do not collect personally identifiable information about you when you visit this site, unless you choose to give it to us by completing an online form when you book an appointment with us. If you do choose to give us your personal details (such as your name, email address, telephone number etc) they will be able to be accessed by our staff for the purposes for which you supplied it. Your personal details will be kept confidential by the company and you have the right to inspect, change or delete this information at any time.
Any consumer related assessment or treatment is carried out with maximum regard for privacy and dignity. At the discretion of the consumer and their family/whanau all discussions between consumers and their families or representatives are held in a suitable environment to maximise privacy. All consumers are provided with a suitable space to conduct private discussions both in person and by telephone.
Consent to Treat
The New Zealand Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights establishes the rights of patients and places corresponding obligations on physiotherapists with respect to our services, as they do with all other forms of health care. This includes but is not limited to informing patients about the provision of services and seeking the patient’s informed consent before the service is provided.